Jennifer Chew

Product Marketing Manager at Smartling

Jennifer Chew is a Product Marketing Manager at Smartling, responsible for overseeing the go-to-market strategy for Smartling's new products and features. She is also responsible for creating content to educate customers on benefits and best practices of using Smartling's Enterprise Translation Cloud.

Jennifer has been a part of the Smartling team for over two years, previously contributing as a Marketing Manager on the Demand Generation team. She collectively has over five years of B2B and B2C marketing experience from a RegTech company and a fashion design startup.

Latest Articles by Jennifer


Making Knowledge Universal - Launching our Salesforce Knowledge Integration

We’re excited to launch another customer support integration - this time with Salesforce Knowledge.

Review Mode - One Month Into Our CAT Tool Alternative

A month after our release, 90% of internal reviewers using Smartling have adopted Review Mode over the full CAT Tool.

Choosing the Best MT Engines with MT Auto Select (Webinar)

Learn about the new Smartling feature, MT Auto Select: why we're building it, how it works to optimize MT work, and what to look for in our upcoming releases.