Allie McKelvey

Customer Success Manager at Smartling

EN202110 - Success Corner - Email Newsletter - October 2021 - 750x420 - Allie McKelvey

Allie McKelvey is a Customer Success Manager. She has been at Smartling since March 2018. Allie earned a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from the University of Colorado. During her time at the university, she spent 6 months studying and living with a host family in Sevilla, Spain. Allie has traveled extensively and has a passion for visiting and experiencing new cultures. Her favorite pastimes include spending time with friends and family, skiing, biking, and enjoying live music.

Latest Articles by Allie

EN202110 - Success Corner - Email Newsletter - Quality Checks - October 2021 - 750x420 - 3
Customer Success

Best Practices for Achieving Quality Translations

Wondering if your translations are best they can be? Here are the best practices you should be following to ensure quality translations.