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As a leader in AI translation, Smartling has translated millions of words using the world’s leading Large Language Models (LLMs). Our AI Research and Development team is constantly experimenting, measuring, and deploying different LLMs to drive efficiency and improve quality.
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Using Large Language Models for Translation

Smartling's AI Research and Development team is constantly experimenting, measuring, and deploying different LLMs to drive efficiency and improve quality of translations. Now, we want to share some of those findings with you.
Translation Buyer's Guide for Government ebook by Smartling
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Translation Buyer’s Guide for State and Local Government

Discover the eight features to seek out (and the questions to ask) to ensure a simple, streamlined, and scalable translation process. Use this Buyer's Guide to help you find a translation solution that will work for your agency now and in the future.
What to Look for in a Translation Solution A Buyer's Guide for School Districts
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Translation Buyer’s Guide for School Districts

Discover the nine features to seek out (and the questions to ask) to unify and simplify translation for your school district. Use this Buyer's Guide to help you find a translation solution that will work for your district now and in the future.
Explore the essential features to consider when choosing a translation solution with our comprehensive buyer's guide. From workflow management to LanguageAI, empower your business with the tools for successful translation outcomes. Download now!
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What To Look for in a Translation Solution: A Buyer’s Guide

Discover the nine features to seek out (and the questions to ask) to achieve high-performing translation outcomes. Use this Buyer's Guide to help you find a translation solution that will work for your business now and in the future.
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AI-Powered Localization: Achieving Quality, Cost, and Speed Objectives

A dynamic business environment is challenging to navigate. But advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) make it easier than ever to do more with less, while achieving quality, cost, and speed.
Image depicting Smartling and Dyspatch's digital eBook, Translating & Localizing Your Marketing Materials. Translate websites, emails, digital ads, blog posts and more with Smartling Language Services.
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Ultimate Guide to Translating Your Marketing Materials

Use this guide to elevate your global marketing tactics by understanding why translation and localization matters and how to get started across various content types.
A Translation Solution That Grows With Your Content Ebook
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A Translation Solution that Grows With Your Content

Five ways real brands are translating content as quickly as they are creating it.
3Q220722 - Translating for EMEA Markets - 1
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Translating for EMEA Markets: Tips from Local Experts

We know that every language and culture is unique, and it would be impossible to be an expert in all of them. So we turned to professional Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Arabic translators who are local experts and specialists in each language.
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Top 5 Insights to Improve Your Localization Strategy

Check out the top 5 tips from our most recent Global Ready Conference for actions you can take now to improve your localization programs.
How to unleash success in your localization career
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How to Unleash Success in Your Localization Career

A comprehensive guide to career-elevating formulas of how to develop the right skills and knowledge to build your localization career and beyond.
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The Complete Guide to Translation Services

Learn how language services combined with translation and localization software can help you better serve your global audience, whatever language they speak.
Smartling: The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Translation Value eBook
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The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Translation Value

Learn from Smartling Experts how your team can reduce spend and time on translation projects while still optimizing for quality.
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Testing Resource

A comprehensive guide to career-elevating formulas of how to develop the right skills and knowledge to build your localization career and beyond.