Cloud Translation

Learn how artificial intelligence translation solutions can provide faster translations and quality results. AI language translations help you scale and grow.
About Localization

10 AI translation tools you need for business growth

Discover the top 10 AI translation tools that can drive your business’s growth. Break language barriers and expand globally with these cutting-edge solutions.
Translation memory takes the words and phrases you’ve already translated and automatically puts them to work throughout your projects. Learn more here.
About Localization

Use translation memory for faster, better projects

Translation memory takes the words and phrases you’ve already translated and automatically puts them to work throughout your projects. Learn more here.
Learn how to leverage automation, the right translation mix, and data-driven decisions to help you reach more of the world with your existing budget.
eBook Download

10 Strategies to Boost Translation Efficiency

Learn how to leverage automation, the right translation mix, and data-driven decisions to help you reach more of the world with your existing budget.
Learn how LLM translation tools can benefit your business, increase revenue, and help you enter new markets. Check out use cases and how you can start today.
About Localization

5 use cases for an LLM translation tool

Discover 5 powerful use cases for LLM translation tools to help your business break language barriers, streamline localization, and achieve global success.
Machine translation has advanced tremendously over the years. Learn about its history, as well as the capabilities and use cases of the top MT tools today.
About Localization

What is machine translation? (Plus 3 benefits for market entry)

What is machine translation, and how can it streamline your entry into new markets? Learn how machine translation cuts costs and speeds up localization.
LLM Data Mining: does your website feed the machine?

LLM Data Mining: does your website feed the machine?

LLMs rely on accessible online content in order to train themselves. However - if a significant amount of this content was created by LLMs, will they start to drift in terms of the quality and accuracy of their output? Understand the impact in this post.
Content globalization helps you expand and reach more customers in the global economy. Learn how to establish a strategy and enter local markets worldwide.
About Localization

Broaden Your Brand's Horizon with Content Globalization

Content globalization helps you expand and reach more customers in the global economy. Learn how to establish a strategy and enter local markets worldwide.
Smartling's quick guide to updating your linguistic assets

The role of linguistic assets in translation

Brands should strive to keep their linguistic assets updated to help enable translators to create high quality content.
Internationalization is critical for your localization strategy. Learn what it is and how to apply it. Reach multilingual audiences and grow your company.
About Localization

7 strategic essentials for successful internationalization

Internationalization is critical for your localization strategy. Learn what it is and how to apply it. Reach multilingual audiences and grow your company.
Translation is the first critical step in creating a native brand experience. In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to help you get translation right.
About Localization

Translation’s Role in Global Business Expansion

Translation is the first critical step in creating a native brand experience. In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to help you get translation right.
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

Translation’s Role in Global Business Expansion

Download this eBook to learn why translation matters to your business.
Achieving human quality translation at a fraction of the price.

Achieving human quality translation at a fraction of the price.

Translation processes are transforming with AI-Powered Human Translation. Read the article for insights into achieving top-tier quality at half the cost with Smartling's advanced solution.
About Localization

How global standardization boosts international business

International companies use global standardization to bring their products and processes into alignment. Learn the benefits in this informative article.
Learn about factors that affect translation accuracy and how you can achieve and maintain high accuracy. Also, get tech recommendations for quality assurance.
About Localization

Should You Base Translation Quality on Accuracy or Preference?

Learn about factors that affect translation accuracy and how you can achieve and maintain high accuracy. Also, get tech recommendations for quality assurance.
eBook Download

AI-Powered Localization: Achieving Quality, Cost, and Speed Objectives

A dynamic business environment is challenging to navigate. But advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) make it easier than ever to do more with less, while achieving quality, cost, and speed.
AI Localization vs Traditional Localization - Smartling
About Localization

AI localization vs. traditional localization

AI localization has been a game-changer for brands around the world. Here’s what you need to know about it, including the top advantages of leveraging AI using LANGUAGEAI™ products from Smartling®.
Top 5 Insights About LanguageAI and Its Impact on Localization - 2023 Global Ready Conference
About Localization

Top 5 Insights About LanguageAI™ and Its Impact on Localization

Smartling’s Global Ready Conference annually brings together some of the best minds in the business. Check out these top 5 tips from our 2023 conference for actions you can take now to improve your localization strategy for the year ahead.
Transcreation Defined: 6 Ways it differs from translation

Transcreation Defined: 6 Ways It Differs From Translation

What do you really need: translation or transcreation? Learn what transcreation is, how it works, and how it differs from translation to help you pick wisely.
mobile application localization
About Localization

iOS Localization: How to Increase Your App's User Base

Looking to broaden your iOS app’s user base? Check out our in-depth guide on iOS localization to find out how you increase users and revenue through localization.
Product Localization 101: Engineer a Product for Local Markets
About Localization

Product Localization: How To Develop A Localization Strategy For Global Markets

Product localization can help you increase your user base and revenue over time. This is an in-depth article on how to achieve this successfully.
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About Localization

How to Enter the APAC Market: Tips for Asia-Pacific Localization

The 20+ countries that make up the Asia-Pacific market (APAC) represent a massive opportunity for global expansion.
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About Localization

Everything You Need to Know About Localization

Localization is what makes your website and app feel like it was made with a specific audience in mind. Here’s what you need to know.
2021 Recap article
About Localization

Top 3 Trends to Create a Globalized Content & Consumer Engagement Strategy

At SaaStr Enterprise event, we hosted a workshop about the top three trends deemed critical to create a globalized content and consumer engagement strategy.
About Localization

What Is Translation Workflow Management?

What is translation workflow management? What solutions are available to help businesses efficiently manage the many workflows required for their translation and localization efforts? These questions and more are answered here.
"Without this technology, I'd be spending a lot more time asking questions and looking things up than I would actually translating," Daniel adds. "After speaking with translators who have been doing this for forty plus years, the difference with modern translation is amazing. They used to have to receive documents by mail, translate them on a typewriter, then send them back via mail, so this is a massive change."
About Localization

Localization Services: What Do They Entail?

Localization services like Smartling give you everything you need to manage the entire process, from translations to turnkey language services and more. Here’s the top reasons brands like Pinterest, WeWork, DoorDash, Shopify, and more trust Smartling.
About Localization

What Is Online Translation Management?

What is online translation management? What are the benefits of using online cloud-based software when translating content for different markets? These questions and more are answered here.
About Localization

What Is a Website Translation Platform? Translation Platforms 101

What is a website translation platform? What solutions are available to help businesses translate and localize their website for different markets? These questions and more are answered here.
Smartling in the news. Press releases. News clippings and more.
Today at Smartling

Smartling announces Smartling+, an all new way to buy a comprehensive and holistic enterprise language translation solution

Smartling’s enterprise solution combines the power of market-leading software services with robust language services to deliver outstanding customer value.
Smartling Blog - What is Content Localization Software
About Localization

What is Content Localization Software? Localization 101

What is content localization? What solutions are available to help businesses manage their translation and localization needs? These questions and more are answered here.
Smartling Blog: What is website translation software
About Localization

Translation Software 101: What is Website Translation Software?

What is website translation software? What solutions are available and how to choose the right one for your business? These questions and more answered here.
About Localization

Translation Management Systems 101: What is a TMS & How to Choose?

What is a translation management system (TMS)? What solutions are available and how can you choose the right one? These questions and more answered here.
About Localization

Translation Management 101: What is Translation Management?

What is translation management? What solutions are available and how to choose the right one? These questions and more answered here.
About Localization

Translation Management Software 101: What is a TMS & How to Choose?

What is translation management software (TMS)? What solutions are available and how can you choose the right one? These questions and more answered here.
Smartling in the news. Press releases. News clippings and more.
Today at Smartling

Smartling Announces Integration with Adobe Experience Manager as A Cloud Service

As Adobe Accelerates Digital Transformation with New Cloud Offering, Smartling’s Integration Enables Mutual Customers with Unparalleled Translation Services
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About Localization

Press Play on Translation Management

Discover why buying a new translation management system will enable your team to drive greater revenue efficiency (and how to do it).
About Localization

Localized Content Marketing is How Brands Reach a Global Audience

Localization, through thoughtful translation, expands reach, and expanded reach drives revenue.
About Localization

Success with Machine Translation Starts with Realistic Expectations

Machine translation has become so cheap, fast and accurate enough that it wouldn't make sense to just ignore the resource.
About Localization

The Top 4 Considerations You Need to Think About Before Translating For a New Market

Just like with any initiative, translation is an investment that'll require some critical planning for success.
About Localization

How to Automate Translation Quality Control and Move Content Faster

When quality is paramount but time is of the essence, automated quality checks keep content flowing.
About Localization

Translation Isn't Blind: We translate because...

Conventional wisdom tells us that translation expands reach; and reach drives revenue. During this episode, we cover how to reframe how you talk about translation internally through untold stories about why other businesses translate.

Save Time and Move Faster: Translate and Design Before Development

Without leaving Figma, you can submit prototypes for professional, machine or pseudo translation.
About Localization

How to Determine the Value of Your Content for Translation

Maximize the value of each translation by implementing the right resources from the beginning.
Today at Smartling

Get to Know Lesley, Smartling’s New Head of EMEA

I had the chance to get to know more about Lesley as she joins the Smartling team.
About Localization

Vanina Has Been Bonding With Her Family More than Ever Right Now

With the world closing, Vanina has been using this as a chance to spend even more time with her family.
Smartling: The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Translation Value eBook
eBook Download

The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Translation Value

Learn from Smartling Experts how your team can reduce spend and time on translation projects while still optimizing for quality.
Translating in a Digital-First World ebook by Smartling
About Localization

Translating in a Digital-First World eBook

Check out the top 5 tips from our most recent Global Ready Conference for actions you can take now to improve your localization programs.
About Localization

Successful Localization Starts at Content Creation

Lay the foundation of localization in the beginning stages of any new content project.
About Localization

Will Automated Content Creation Take Over?

AI and Machine Learning has made automated contenet creation possible, but human writers and translators will always be necessary.
About Localization

The 5 Biggest Benefits of a Cloud Translation Management System

Leveraging a Cloud TMS enables your brand to esablish an agile and robust translation process.
About Localization

Why We Need to Remove Opinions From Translation Review

Just like any writing, translation is an art, and the translator is the artist that makes subjective decisions within their writing.
About Localization

How to Localize Your Mobile App

If your product is cloud-based software, then your product is a global offering from day zero.

Four Workflow Hacks To Reduce Translation Costs and Time by 50%

Learn the four most common use cases for Dynamic Workflows - all implemented and used by Smartling customers.
About Localization

How to Localize Your App's User Experience

As you plan and design your user experience, your brand should aim to build a platform that can adapt.
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.

Quality Check Profiles: Safeguards Tailored For Your Translations

Introducing Quality Check Profiles, automated proofreading checkpoints to ensure you are producing the most accurate translations.
About Localization

2020 Localization Industry Trends from Smartling

We expect to see a big push in Artifical Intelligence, Machine Translation and Transcreation coming sooner than we might think.
About Localization

What is High Availability? Four 9's vs Three 9's

The difference between 99.99% and 99.9% may not seem like very much, but could cost your business a lot of time and money.

Building Multi-Architecture Docker Images on ARM 64-bit AWS Graviton2 Processors

Scott Rossillo, Software Engineer at Smartling, runs through the process of building multi-architecture Docker images to leverage the latest AWS Graviton2 processors.
Smartling in the news. Press releases. News clippings and more.
Today at Smartling

Smartling Reports Record Year, Adds 100+ New Customers in 2019

Customers using company’s language services offering increases 216% year-over-year
About Localization

Translating Product Information: Why You Need to Integrate Your PIM With a TMS

Maintaining and organizing all of your product data can prove challenging and demanding without an integrated TMS.
About Localization

How To Translate User-Generated Content

Translating your user-generated content is one easy way to provide that authentic experience to all consumers, regardless of their native language or location.
About Localization

Critical Translation KPIs to Measure and Optimize Around

Leverage Key Performance Indicators to measure the efficiency of your translation process.
About Localization

How To Leverage Smartling For a Unified Strategy

Brands that are looking to localize their experiences and content benefit greatly from a unified strategy that enables centralized management of all projects across content types and devices.
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About Localization

Video Game Localization: How To Localize Your Video Game

Following part one of our Game Localization series, we cover the tactical steps to localizing your game.
About Localization

Video Localization: The What, Why and How

Offering your video content in new languages means a wider audience to capture and engage.
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About Localization

Video Game Localization: Adapting Video Games For Global Players

With more than 3 billion game players around the world today, video game localization is your game's key to global success.
About Localization

What Is a CAT Tool? Translation Software Basics

CAT Tools enable translators to work smarter and faster, with the resources they need right at their fingertips.
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.
Today at Smartling

Hitting the Books: Smartling’s Story-based Marketing

Smartling sat down with Renegade Thinkers Unite to discuss Move the World with Words.

Review Mode - One Month Into Our CAT Tool Alternative

A month after our release, 90% of internal reviewers using Smartling have adopted Review Mode over the full CAT Tool.
Smartling in the news. Press releases. News clippings and more.
Today at Smartling

Smartling Opens New Dublin Office

Translation technology and services provider commits to presence in Europe to support EMEA customers.
About Localization

Translation Software 101: What Is Translation Software?

Translation software empowers brands to deliver high quality content to a global audience at a rapid pace.
Today at Smartling

Traveling the World with Smartling: My Experience Working on Move the World with Words

Laura had the chance to help bring twelve translator's stories to life while editing Move the World with Words.
About Localization

10 Questions To Ask Your Language Service Provider For a Successful Partnership

Language Service Providers should act as your brand's ambassador to translators, powering amazing connections with localized content crafted by creative professional translators.
About Localization

Six Best Practices for Communicating and Collaborating with Translators

Actively collaborating with translators will set your localization projects up for success from the start.
About Localization

What is the Localization Maturity Model, and How Do I Get to the Next Step?

Determine where your brand current stands in the Localization Maturity Model, and learn how to jump to the next step.
About Localization

How to Run a Translation Test to Evaluate Potential Language Service Providers

Here's how to run a translation test to ensure quality results before beginning your next localization project.

How Smartling Enables Your Brand To Get Content To Market 50% Faster with Dynamic Workflows

Dynamic workflows enable brands to avoid content bottlenecks and spend less time on project management.

Smartling's Guide to Creating an RFP

Indetify the elements of a solution most important to your business to determine the best option.
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.

Review Mode: A simplified UI for internal reviewers

We’ve just introduced Review Mode, the most uniform solution for non-localization team members to easily review translations.
About Localization

How to Prioritize Content for Translation and Save Money

Brands should stagger content translation based on priority to help simplify localization efforts and save money.
Today at Smartling

Five Reasons You Should Attend The Global Ready Translation Summit

Come celebrate the translators that help fuel global commerce at our one-day conference and book launch.
About Localization

Three Major Warning Signs You Waited Too Long to Buy a TMS

Feeling any of these major pain points? Then it might be time for a Translation Management System.
About Localization

How to Deliver a Personalized Experience with Localized Content

Brands can reach new users in regions and foster a personal connection with localized content.

Get Speedy with Dynamic Workflows

Automate the way your workflows make decisions about translation work.
About Localization

Translation Proxies Explained: The Power of The Global Delivery Network

Smartling's powerful Global Delivery Network translation proxy enables brands to launch content in new languages faster than any other solution.
About Localization

Why Translators Should Adopt Cloud Translation

Cloud Translation Management Systems have revolutionized the entire translation process.
About Localization

10 Ways To Know Your Business is Ready For a Translation Management System

Some of the more common indicators that it might be time for your brand to adopt a TMS.
About Localization

The Complete Guide to Scaling Your Business With a TMS

Planning on expanding your brand into new markets? Smartling has you covered.
About Localization

When to Use Machine Translation (Webinar)

With Linn Hu, Sr. Solution Architect, and Chris Wyant, Sr. Manager of Smartling Language Services
About Localization

Five Ways to Ramp Up Your Translation Quality

A closer look at how Smartling makes it easy to improve translation quality through the entire process.
About Localization

How Smartling Makes WordPress Translation Even Better

Smartling lets you translate WordPress content without ever leaving your familiar CMS.
About Localization

How Smartling Works

Looking to provide the best localized content possible? Here's how Smartling will help you do just that.
About Localization

Localization: A Strategy for B2B Marketers

Guidance for offering an appropriate local market experience
Smartling in the news. Press releases. News clippings and more.
Today at Smartling

Smartling Announces Expanded Automation Capabilities at Global Ready Conference

Translation software and services company debuts new automation features and interface, increasing translation speed and cost savings.
Smartling in the news. Press releases. News clippings and more.
Today at Smartling

Smartling Ranked #1 Market Leader by Common Sense Advisory

Comprehensive research and analysis of translation management system providers concludes Smartling is the most viable product.
About Localization

How Passion and Perspective Bring Language to Life

An interview with Oana, a freelance translator who lives in a small town near Toulouse, France.
About Localization

CSA Research: MarketFlex for Language-Oriented TMS

An analysis and evaluation of nine TMSes for potential buyers.
About Localization

How One Translator Uses Technology to Travel Back in Time

An inside look at the life of Daniel, a freelance translator who lives in a rural village in Asturias, Spain.
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

Global Ready Success Kit: Your Guide to Optimizing the Way You Translate

A complete guide to help you navigate the common obstacles organizations face while expanding globally.
Smartling in the news. Press releases. News clippings and more.
Today at Smartling

New Smartling Awards Program Recognizes Translator Excellence

The Smartling Translator Awards have been established to acknowledge the value and outstanding contributions made by freelancers and agencies.
About Localization

The Practical Benefits of Translation Job Automation

Any business spending more than $10,000 on translation a year can achieve better results — including lower costs — by leveraging automation.
About Localization

Translation vs Localization: How is Translation Different From Localization?

Translation and localization can almost be seen as two sides to the same coin. Here is how the two practices differ.
About Localization

Localization: What It Really Means for Your Business

Localization drives your marketing strategy and business goals.
About Localization

Your Translation Is Ready, But Is The Quality Any Good?

Brands can leverage data analytics to ensure translation quality meets the right standard everytime.
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.
Today at Smartling

Smartling Global Ready™ Conferences 2018 – That’s a wrap

Bigger and better was the motto at this year’s Global Ready™ Conference, gathering over 400 Smartling customers between San Francisco and London in March 2018.
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

Essential Guide to Effective Translation

Best practices for global content localization to grow your international markets
Smartling webinars. Learn best practices for localization from the experts.

InDepth Webinar: Reporting

The smartest way to manage translation is to understand what's happening with reports.
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

Research Report: The Path to Localization Success

Catalyzing Growth and Revenue Opportunities with Content Localization
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

Agile Translation: A Step by Step Guide

How to Apply Agile Principles To Rapidly Changing Translation Needs
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

Going Global with Mobile App Content

Learn how leading brands are leveraging mobile app translation to capture bigger shares of a fast-growing international market.
Learn about Smartling's Cloud Translation solution.

Enterprise Cloud Translation

Enabling brands to quickly and cost-effectively launch their multilingual websites with minimal IT involvement.
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.
About Localization

How Localization Managers Can Keep The Whole Team Happy

For localization managers eager to build a positive team culture, the task begins by understanding the individual needs of each member.
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

10 Ways to Measure Translation ROI

Learn 10 ways brands can measure translation ROI, and five ways to measure the added ROI from using a translation management platform –
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.
About Localization

Want to Reduce Review? Help Your Translators Help You

Empower translators to do their best work for the highest quality outcome, everytime.
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

The Total Economic Impact Of A Cloud Based Translation Management Platform

This study conducted by Forrester examples the potential ROI of a cloud based translation management platform.
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

5 Trends Shaping the Future of Global Marketing

Learn about the changes in the global landscape that are impacting businesses today.
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

The Future of Global eCommerce

How retail brands are tailoring content and experiences to international audiences
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

Translation Strategy is Growth Strategy

Achieving a more dominant global position through a better approach to global content.
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.
About Localization

3 Ways Adding Languages Will Test Your Translation Strategy

Ensure your translation strategy is efficient and optimized for success by adding in new languages.
Get the latest in localization research and trends.
About Localization

7 Symptoms of a Broken Translation Process

7 Symptoms of a broken translation process, and what each one could cost your business.
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About Localization

Five Translation Keys For Businesses Built On Speed

Translation and localization doesn't have to be a slow process. Here are five translation keys for businesses that are built on speed, and require an agile process.
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.
About Localization

Translation Quality Shouldn’t Start With Translators

Companies that surround qualified translators with the resources they need to succeed are almost always assured a suitable final product.
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.
About Localization

Are You Leveraging All Your Website Translation Options?

With serveral different translation services to choose from, is your brand leveraging all of the resources available?
Smartling's blog is the primary resource for thought leadership in localization.
About Localization

Three Indicators of Customer-Centric Translation Software

Ways to know that translation software was built for customer needs.