Compliance Made Simple: Navigating Language Regulations in Education and Government

How can school districts and government organizations keep up with ever-changing rules related to language access? This webinar dives into how organizations can comply with these regulations without creating an enormous burden on internal resources.June 25th, 2024


Educational institutions and government organizations constantly navigate evolving language access regulations. Furthermore, community leaders strive to ensure that individuals from all backgrounds can fully engage in shared experiences, such as attending school or participating in community life.

During this session, leaders from Fresno Unified School District and Tompkins County share insights on how they meet the needs of their diverse communities through translation.

Watch this session to learn:

  • The strategies employed by Fresno Unified School District and Tompkins County to enhance language accessibility
  • The role of language technology in streamlining the translation process and overcoming challenges
  • Future-looking perspectives on where AI can evolve and enhance the experiences of individuals in diverse communities